The Future
Ideas come and go rather quickly, so this is a bucket to put them in. When one becomes reality, we can dip our hand back into the bucket and get the next one. Let us know if you want to help out on any of these.
- how to bias an opamp tutorial
- mfb versus vcvs filters tutorial
- various methods of pot controlled opamp gain tutorial
- various opamp gain configurations tutorial
- parametric search table for all opamps
- midi breakout board for microdec
- usb breakout board for microdec
- 606 noise board with voltage controlled frequency and randomness
- capacitance sensing board
- chip of the month club
- how to select an opamp tutorial
- everything i ever needed to know i learned from my 303
- how to debug analog circuits (with the x0x as the example)
- circuit board short finder ala bob pease
- circuit board listening box with headphone out
- noise voltage meter (how bad is your amp)
- how to layout a pcb for audio quality tutorial
- bootloader for microdec
- cds photocell optocoupler circuits
- get footpedals and stompswitches for the store