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Revision 4 as of 2011-12-03 19:49:18

location: Repatcher


About the Repatcher Shield

The Repatcher Shield gives you a hardware interface to control your Puredata and MAX/MSP patches as if they were old-skool analog modular synthesizers. The Repatcher Shield attaches to an arduino compatible board, and gives you 6 potentiometers for 10b data input, and a 6 x 6 patchbay matrix. The data streams over usb, and easily integrates into MAX/MSP and Puredata via a special patch you can download here.

Setup Instructions

To use the Repatcher, first be sure that you have the appropriate USB drivers installed for your Arduino board. These come with the Arduino programming environment and must be loaded for your Arduino to work. Next, load the Arduino sketch linked below, and attach the Repatcher shield. Finally, download the appropriate (PureData or MAX/MSP) Repatcher patches and place them in the same folder you will executing out of.

Use Instructions

There are 6 inputs and 12 outputs on the Repatcher object. The 6 audio inputs on the top send their signals to the corresponding 6 OUT's on the Repatcher board. These signals can then be wired and sent to the 6 IN's on the board, which correspond to the first 6 audio out's on the Repatcher object. Multiple OUT's can be wired to a single IN, and all of the OUT's will sum at this junction. Do not wire OUT's to other OUT's, or IN's to other IN's, as this will just confuse the matrix. The final 6 outputs on the Repatcher object are control out's for the 6 MOD potentiometers on the Repatcher board. These are sequential, 0 to 5, from left to right, just like the IN's and OUT's.


Files: Version 1.0