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What is the opposite of 'day'?

Revision 4 as of 2020-03-15 07:10:47

location: RWkick

Rhythm Wolf Kick Drum


its interesting to see the level they went to copy the 808: on the regeneration amp (U26A) there is a resistor from the noninverting input to ground. This is typically done to counter the offset voltage generatred by bias currents on the opamps. This done throught the 808, but this is the only opamp in the rhythym wolf that uses this technique. Also, the output pot goes to an inverting amplifier stage rather than a buffer, which is the only instance of this as well; not sure why. There is the addition of the "attack", which is a small pulse right at the beginning of the drum hit (through D12). The frequency of the drum voice not shift down throughout the note, as it does on the 808 due to R205 and R188 being apparently swapped, making the decay too quick to be noticeable.