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location: attachment:mixtape_avr_new.zip of MixtapeAlpha

Attachment 'mixtape_avr_new.zip'


File Name                                            Modified              Size
mixtape_avr_new/                               2012-07-19 15:13:44            0
mixtape_avr_new/AvrBuild.bat                   2012-07-19 15:13:32          494
mixtape_avr_new/buttons.asm                    2012-07-19 15:13:32         2837
mixtape_avr_new/labels.tmp                     2012-07-19 15:13:34        11516
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape.aps                    2012-07-19 15:13:34         3684
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape.asm                    2012-07-19 15:13:34        30087
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape.aws                    2012-07-19 15:13:34          843
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape.hex                    2012-07-19 15:13:36        31031
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape.map                    2012-07-19 15:13:36        23089
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape.obj                    2012-07-19 15:13:38        50234
mixtape_avr_new/mixtape_defs.inc               2012-07-19 15:13:38         1339
mixtape_avr_new/noise_2k.inc                   2012-07-19 15:13:40        11257
mixtape_avr_new/note_scheduler.asm             2012-07-19 15:13:40         7707
mixtape_avr_new/playback.inc                   2012-07-19 15:13:40         2742
mixtape_avr_new/saw_low_2k.inc                 2012-07-19 15:13:42        11264
mixtape_avr_new/sine_128.inc                   2012-07-19 15:13:42          684
mixtape_avr_new/sine_2k.inc                    2012-07-19 15:13:44        11073
mixtape_avr_new/slider_16.inc                  2012-07-19 15:13:44           81
mixtape_avr_new/square_low_2k.inc              2012-07-19 15:13:44        11264

Attached Files

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