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location: attachment:audioint3.zip of MICrODEC

Attachment 'audioint3.zip'


File Name                                            Modified              Size
audioint3/                                     2010-05-16 22:46:48            0
audioint3/audioint3.aps                        2010-03-30 14:09:34         3948
audioint3/audioint3.asm                        2010-04-13 01:15:32        16055
audioint3/audioint3.aws                        2010-03-30 14:09:34         1527
audioint3/audioint3.hex                        2010-03-30 14:09:34        13897
audioint3/audioint3.map                        2010-03-30 14:09:34        29820
audioint3/audioint3.obj                        2010-03-30 14:09:34        23268
audioint3/AvrBuild.bat                         2010-03-30 14:09:34          501
audioint3/chorus-16b.asm                       2010-04-13 01:15:34        12358
audioint3/delay-16b-midi.asm                   2010-04-13 01:15:34         6388
audioint3/delay-16b-pot.asm                    2010-04-13 01:15:34         5722
audioint3/delay-16b-rotary.asm                 2010-04-13 01:15:36         5210
audioint3/delay-18b-pot.asm                    2010-04-13 01:15:36         6584
audioint3/downsweep-16b.asm                    2010-04-13 01:15:36         4025
audioint3/envelope_stripper.asm                2010-04-13 01:15:38         3542
audioint3/flanger-16b.asm                      2010-04-13 01:15:38         4091
audioint3/fullwave.asm                         2010-04-13 01:15:38         2569
audioint3/gated_reverser-16b.asm               2010-04-13 01:15:38         4570
audioint3/labels.tmp                           2010-03-30 14:09:36        21469
audioint3/pitch_shifter-16b-ducking.asm        2010-04-13 01:15:40        10960
audioint3/pitch_shifter-16b-rotary.asm         2010-04-13 01:15:40         9675
audioint3/pitch_shifter-16b-variable-ducking.asm 2010-04-13 01:15:42        11356
audioint3/pitch_shifter-16b-variable.asm       2010-04-13 01:15:42         8743
audioint3/pll-16b.asm                          2010-04-13 01:15:42         7637
audioint3/reverb-16b.asm                       2010-04-13 01:15:44        10988
audioint3/ring_modulator.asm                   2010-04-13 01:15:44         2741
audioint3/sampler-pot.asm                      2010-04-13 01:15:44         5614
audioint3/sampler-rotary.asm                   2010-04-13 01:15:46         6670
audioint3/up_downsweep-16b.asm                 2010-04-13 01:15:48         5742
audioint3/upsweep-16b-pot.asm                  2010-04-13 01:15:46         5518
audioint3/upsweep-16b.asm                      2010-04-13 01:15:46         3850

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