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Differences between revisions 3 and 7 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2010-07-18 03:12:37
Size: 16624
Revision 7 as of 2010-07-18 03:36:19
Size: 16927
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[Discussion of code elements, needed revision etc, can go here] Writing code in assembly is a lot like that riddle about the farmer who has a chicken,
a fox, and a bag of corn that he's trying to take across a river, and he only has one
boat to do it with. But on the bright side, none of our registers are going to eat
each other, and we're not going to be attacked by any foxes! (i hope)

Line 63: Line 68:
;    - all data we are saving and reading back (like our delay audio) travels over ports A and C
; - I am going to try to notate
;        - all data we are saving and reading back (like our delay audio) travels over ports A and C
Line 122: Line 127:
nop ; read address msb hits the port, now wait for (1)
nop ; a latch time of two cycles... (2)
nop                        ; read address msb hits the port, now wait for (1)
nop                        ; a latch time of two cycles... (2)
Line 131: Line 136:
; ### now we've got a little time to kill, so...                            ; now we've got a little time to kill, so...
Line 245: Line 250:
; ### end of wait4, let's get our dry audio in
in r8, spdr ; that's the right channel lsb
; ### end of wait4, more new data!
in r8, spdr ; bring in right channel lsb
Line 278: Line 283:
dec r15 ; well, let's do a little debouncing: dec r15 ; well, let's do a little debouncing anyway
Line 280: Line 285:
    ; if r15 was not zero after the last operation, it will branch us to adjust_UID    ; if r15 was not zero after the last operation, it will branch us to adjust_UID
Line 357: Line 362:
    ; oh wait, what? I'm going to have to do it again? from the beginning?
    ; but I still need to get my pointers all lined up!
    ; oh wait, what? We're going to have to do it again? from the beginning?
    ; but we still need to get our pointers all lined up!


Writing code in assembly is a lot like that riddle about the farmer who has a chicken, a fox, and a bag of corn that he's trying to take across a river, and he only has one boat to do it with. But on the bright side, none of our registers are going to eat each other, and we're not going to be attacked by any foxes! (i hope)

   1 ; ****************************************************************************
   2 ; * program: delay-16b-rotary.asm                                            *
   3 ; * UID = Tutorial - unique id to eliminate conflicts between variables,     *
   4 ; *       replace each instance of UID in the code with this unique id.      *
   5 ; * 16b address space (.7s delay time)                                       *
   6 ; * stereo data                                                              *
   7 ; * pot controlled delay time (0s - .7s)                                     *
   8 ; ****************************************************************************
   9 ; *                                                                          *
  10 ; * PROGRAM OVERVIEW                                                         *
  11 ; *                                                                          *
  12 ; * data is read in from memory and written to the codec at the same time    *
  13 ; * new data is written to the memory from the codec.  the rotary encoder    *
  14 ; * increments or decrements the read address, adjusting the delay time.     *
  15 ; *                                                                          *
  16 ; * register usage - may be redefined in other sections                      *
  17 ; *                                                                          *
  18 ; * r0                                                                       *
  19 ; * r1                                                                       *
  20 ; * r2  left lsb out                                                         *
  21 ; * r3  left msb out                                                         *
  22 ; * r4  right lsb out                                                        *
  23 ; * r5  right msb out                                                        *
  24 ; * r6  left lsb in                                                          *
  25 ; * r7  left msb in                                                          *
  26 ; * r8  right lsb in                                                         *
  27 ; * r9  right msb in                                                         *
  28 ; * r10                                                                      *
  29 ; * r11                                                                      *
  30 ; * r12 desired delay lsb                                                    *
  31 ; * r13 desired delay msb                                                    *
  32 ; * r14                                                                      *
  33 ; * r15 switch sample counter                                                *
  34 ; * r16 temporary swap register                                              *
  35 ; * r17 temporary swap register                                              *
  36 ; * r18                                                                      *
  37 ; * r19                                                                      *
  38 ; * r20                                                                      *
  39 ; * r21                                                                      *
  40 ; * r22 write address third byte/null register                               *
  41 ; * r23                                                                      *
  42 ; * r24 write address lsb                                                    *
  43 ; * r25 write address msb                                                    *
  44 ; * r26 actual delay lsb                                                     *
  45 ; * r27 actual delay msb                                                     *
  46 ; * r28 read address lsb                                                     *
  47 ; * r29 read address msb                                                     *
  48 ; * r30 jump location for interrupt lsb                                      *
  49 ; * r31 jump location for interrupt msb                                      *
  50 ; ****************************************************************************
  53 ; * NOTES: - all unprocessed (dry) raw data  comes in off of the SPI port, via spdr
  54 ;          - all processed (wet) data goes out over the SPI port, also via spdr
  55 ;          - all external memory addressing happens over ports D and H 
  56 ;          - all data we are saving and reading back (like our delay audio) travels over ports A and C
  62 ; **********************
  63 ; **** PROGRAM START
  64 ; **********************
  66 ; initiate data transfer to codec
  68 sbi portb, portb0           ; set bit portb0  (aka DACLRC aka DAC sample rate left/right clock)
  69                             ;  
  70                             ; **NOTE: from WM8731 data sheet, page 36: 
  71                             ;                   "DACLRC is an alignment clock that controls whether Left or Right channel 
  72                             ;                            data is present on DACTAT" 
  74 ; (now on SPI - LEFT MSB)  *********************************************************************************************
  76 out spdr, r3            ; send out processed left channel msb (or whatever's currently in r3) to SPI data register
  77 cbi portb, portb0       ; clear DACLRC
  79 adiw r25:r24, 0x01      ; increment write address pointer by 0x01
  80 adiw r29:r28, 0x01      ; increment  read address pointer by 0x01
  81 ldi  r22, 0x00          ; setup write high byte with null
  84 ; **********************
  85 ; **** wait1 
  86 ; **********************
  88 wait1_UID:                 ; wait to see if processed left channel msb has been sent
  90 in   r17, spsr             ; move spi status register to r17 so we can look at it
  91 sbrs r17, spif             ; skip next instruction if the SPIF (spi interrupt flag) bit is set
  92                            ; **NOTE: from atmega3250P data sheet, page 162:
  93                            ;                    "When a serial transfer is complete, the SPIF flag is set" 
  94 rjmp wait1_UID             ; aka: loop until SPIF is set
  95                            ; and then...
  97 ; ### after wait1, new spi data ready
  99 in r7, spdr                ; move spi data register into r7  (remember spdr is read/write, page 162)
 100                            ; this moves the incoming (dry) left channel msb to r7
 102 ; (end of wet/dry left msb transfer) ***********************************************************************************
 104 ; (now on SPI - LEFT LSB)            ***********************************************************************************
 106 out spdr, r2               ; send the processed (wet) left lsb out
 108 ; ### retrieve stored left channel data from SRAM: 
 110 out portd, r28             ; move read address lsb pointer to portd (see schematic) 
 111 sts porth, r29             ; move read address msb pointer to portH
 112                            ; **NOTE: - this is a special instruction because the I/O portH register is wayyy up there in the sram
 113                            ;             - 'out' completes in one cycle, 'sts' completes in two
 115 nop                        ; read address msb hits the port, now wait for  (1)  
 116 nop                        ; a latch time of two cycles...                 (2)
 118                            ; DING!  your data is ready, please pick it up! 
 119 in r2, pina                ; (see schematic) D0-7,  aka lsb, is on port A, now stored in r2
 120 in r3, pinc                ;             and D8-15, aka msb, is on port C, now stored in r3
 122 ; ###  left channel SRAM retrieve completed
 124                            ; now we've got a little time to kill, so...
 125 adiw r29:r28, 0x01         ; increment read address pointer by 1
 128 ; **********************
 129 ; **** wait2 
 130 ; **********************
 132 wait2_UID:                 ; wait to see if wet left channel lsb has been sent
 134 in   r17, spsr             ; spi status reg. to r17 (looking familiar?)
 135 sbrs r17, spif             ; skip next if SPIF bit not set...
 136 rjmp wait2_UID             ; loop until SPIF set
 138                            ; **NOTE: and now a couple of words about rjmp:
 139                            ;            - it can only move within 2k of memory (ie, can't jump all the way to the start, or end, of a long program) 
 140                            ;            - it doesn't do anything to the stack  (so if it loops a thousand times, the stack isn't going to overflow)
 141                            ;            - it takes two cycles
 143 ; ### after wait2 is finished, new spi data ready
 145 in r6, spdr                ; receive in dry left channel lsb 
 146                            ; **NOTE: that gives us both bytes of the incoming left channel, and both wet bytes have been sent
 147                            ;         we can now move on to the right channel
 149 ; (end of wet/dry left lsb transfer) ************************************************************************************
 151 ; (now on SPI - RIGHT MSB)           ************************************************************************************
 153 out spdr, r5               ; send out (wet) right msb
 155 ; ### writing (dry) left channel to SRAM:
 156 out portd, r24             ; update data address ports to reflect where we want to write
 157 sts porth, r25             ; remember 'out' and 'sts'?
 159 out portg, r22             ; woah, portG? what's this?  Check out the SRAM data sheet and the schematic:
 160                            ;    r22 is currently 0x00, so we are pulling CE and WE low, and writing our high address bits to zero
 161                            ;    CE (chip enable) and WE (write enable) are asserted low
 163                            ; **NOTE:  from AS7C4098 data sheet, page 2:
 164                            ;                     "Data on input pins io1-io16 is written on the rising edge of WE..." 
 165                            ;                     "To avoid bus contention, external devices should drio i/o pins only after 
 166                            ;                            outputs have been disabled with OE (output enable) or WE"
 167                            ;                     "A read cycle is accomplished by asserting OE and CE, with WE high."  
 169 ldi r17, 0xFF        ; prepare a salad of ones 
 170 out ddra, r17        ; send them to the portA direction register
 171 out ddrC, r17        ; and to the portC direction register       
 172                      ; (see ATmega3250P data sheet, page 65, 'Switching Between Input and Output')
 174 out porta, r6        ; with these two 'out' instructions 
 175 out portc, r7        ; we send left channel dry data directly to the sram
 178 sbi portg, portg2    ; and as soon as we pull WE (write enable) on portG_2 high,
 179                      ; zzztt!  a single audio sample is written into memory, just like that.
 183 ; ### left channel SRAM write completed
 186 out ddra, r22       ; now, we happen to know that r22 contains a bunch of zeros 
 187 out ddrc, r22       ; so we can use that register to set ports A and C back to an input state. 
 192 ; **********************
 193 ; **** wait3
 194 ; **********************
 196 wait3_UID:              ; meanwhile, back at the codec, we are still transferring the right channel lsb
 198 in   r17, spsr          ; check out the spsr, check out the spif,
 199 sbrs r17, spif          ; we know what we're doing here now, right?  
 200 rjmp wait3_UID          ; loop until transfer completed
 202 ; ### end of wait3, new data ready!
 204 in r9, spdr             ; recieve in (dry) right channel msb
 206 ; (end of wet/dry right msb transfer) ***********************************************************************************
 208 ; (now on SPI - RIGHT LSB)            ***********************************************************************************
 210 out spdr, r4            ; send out (wet) right channel lsb
 212 ; ### retrieve stored right channel data from SRAM
 213 out portd, r28          ; set up the address we want to read from
 214 sts porth, r29          ; on ports d and h
 216 nop                     ; killing time again... 
 217 nop                     ; two cycles, while the SRAM latches the address
 219                         ; and once more, ding!  our data is now waiting on the SRAM data lines
 220 in r4, pina             ; right lsb
 221 in r5, pinc             ; right msb    (this is audio data we saved in the past)
 223 ; ### right channel SRAM data retrieval completed
 225 adiw r25:r24, 0x01      ; increment the write address (we're going to be using that pointer next)
 228 ; **********************
 229 ; **** wait4
 230 ; **********************
 232 wait4_UID:                      ; checking up on that SPI transfer
 234 in r17, spsr
 235 sbrs r17, spif
 236 rjmp wait4_UID                  ; loop until SPIF is set
 238 ; ### end of wait4, more new data!
 239 in r8, spdr                     ; bring in right channel lsb
 241 ; (end of wet/dry right lsb transfer) ***********************************************************************************
 242 ; now that we have both bytes of the right channel dry audio, we can store it in the SRAM
 244 ; ### writing (dry) right channel to SRAM
 246 out portd, r24          ; give the sram the write address, lsb
 247 sts porth, r25          ; now msb
 249 out portg, r22          ; pull WE low, (CE is already low, WE was high for read operations)
 250 ldi r17, 0xFF           ; prepare a bevy of ones
 251 out ddra, r17           ; set porta as output
 252 out ddrc, r17           ; set portc as output
 253 out porta, r8           ; put the data on the ports, lsb
 254 out portc, r9           ; msb
 255 sbi portg, portg2       ; zzzt!  pull WE high and write the data
 257 out ddra, r22           ; reconfigure porta as input
 258 out ddrc, r22           ; reconfigure portc as input
 261 ; **********************************************************************************
 262 ; **** check rotary encoder and adjust delay time
 263 ; **********************************************************************************
 264 ; * The rotary encoder is externally debounced, so we don't have to do that here.
 265 ; * You'll see it in the schematic labeled MOD2 on portJ0, portJ1, and portJ2.
 266 ; * 
 267 ; * The encoder's pin1 is sampled on a transition from high to low on pin0.  
 268 ; * if pin1 is high, a left turn occured, if pin1 is low, a right turn occured.
 269 ; **********************************************************************************
 271 dec r15                 ; well, let's do a little debouncing anyway
 272 brne adjust_UID         ; brne checks the Z register,
 273                         ; if r15 was not zero after the last operation, it will branch us to adjust_UID
 275 ldi r17, 0x40           ; prepare a constant in r17                                     
 276 mov r15, r17            ; put 0x40 in the sample freq bin to catch all rising edges (results in 1.5ms sampletime)
 277 lds r17, pinj           ; move port J data into r17
 278 sbrs r17, PINJ0         ; skip next if PINJ0 is set
 279 rjmp edgecheck_UID      ; if it's not set, is it a falling edge?
 281 clt                     ; clear T reg (in SREG)
 282 rjmp switchsample_UID   ; done looking at mod2, look at the program selector
 284 ; **********************
 285 ; **** edgecheck 
 286 ; **********************
 288 edgecheck_UID:                  ; checks for falling edge
 289 brts switchsample_UID           ; if the T flag in SREG is set, assume the edge was already detected
 290 set                             ; otherwise set the T flag
 291 sbrs r17, PINJ1                 ; check if PINJ1 is high
 292 rjmp upcount_UID                ; if PINJ0 has just gone low and PINJ1 is low, a right turn has transpired
 293                                 ; upcount will therefore increase the delay
 294                                 ; otherwise, PINJ1 is high and a left turn has transpired, so we should decrease the delay
 295 ; **** downcount
 296 ldi r17, 0x01                   ; load our decrement amount into r17  (0x01 = 256 samples = 0.006s)
 297 sub r13, r17                    ; decrement delay MSB 
 299 rjmp switchsample_UID           ; done looking at mod2, look at the program selector
 301 ; **** upcount
 302 upcount_UID:                    ; increment delay register
 303 ldi r17, 0x01                   ; load increment amount into r17
 304 add r13, r17                    ; increment MSB
 307 ; **********************
 308 ; **** switchsample
 309 ; **********************
 311 switchsample_UID:               ; sample the program select dial
 313 lds  r31, pinj                  ; put switch data into jump location MSB reg
 314 andi r31, 0x78                  ; mask off rotary encoder 0b01111000
 315 ldi  r17, 0x02                  ; 0x02 into r17
 316 lsr  r31                        ; shift r31 to the right
 317 lsr  r31                        ; shift again
 318 add r31, r17                    ; convert switch position data to program memory location
 321 ; **********************
 322 ; **** adjust
 323 ; **********************
 325 adjust_UID:                     ; since we've only changed the desired delay in the previous section, we need to implement that delay
 326                                 ; this checks to see if the delay time is correct,
 327                                 ; and if it's not it makes an effort to move slightly closer to the correct delay 
 329 andi r26, 0xFE                  ; is the delay time even?
 330 cp r26, r22                     ; compare actual delay lsb to zero
 331 cpc r27, r13                    ; compare with carry actual delay msb with desired delay msb
 332 breq done_UID                   ; If equal, head to done, yay!  
 333 brsh indexdown_UID              ; If the same or higher, branch to indexdown
 334                                 ; otherwise, we can assume it is too low
 335 ; **** indexup
 336 adiw r27:r26, 0x04              ; so increment delay register by 0x04
 337 rjmp done_UID                   ; and head to the end
 339 ; **** indexdown
 340 indexdown_UID:
 341 sbiw r27:r26, 0x02              ; decrement delay reg by 0x02
 345 ; **********************
 346 ; **** done
 347 ; **********************
 349 done_UID:                       ; It's been a long hard row to hoe, but we did it!  
 350                                 ; oh wait, what?  We're going to have to do it again?  from the beginning?  
 351                                 ; but we still need to get our pointers all lined up!    
 353 movw r29:r28, r25:r24           ; sync write destination and read address
 354 sub r28, r26                    ; now subtract by the delay in samples (first lsb)
 355 sbc r29, r27                    ; subtract msb with carry from previous
 357 reti                            ; return from interrupt so we can get back to our idling 


Microdec Software

DelayTutorialAsm (last edited 2010-08-21 01:53:49 by guest)