Arduino FFT Library
About the Arduino FFT Library
Programming Examples
Libraries: Arduino1.0 or Arduino-0022 (should work with both)
Installing Libraries
The above files need to be placed in the libraries folder inside of your Arduino sketch directory. After you unzip the !ArduinoFFT folder and place it in the libraries folder, restart Arduino and load one of the example programs to test out the library.
If you are not certain where the libraries folder is located on your computer, try the following:
Open up the Arduino software, and go to Sketch -> Add File..., and a window will pop up that is your sketch folder. This is usually C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My Documents\Arduino. If you see a libraries folder, put the AudioCodec library in there. If you don't already have one, create the libraries folder in that directory.
Open up your Arduino sketchbook folder. This is typically /Users/<your user name>/Documents/Arduino. If there is not a folder already named libraries, you should create one and place the unzipped !ArduinoFFT library within it.