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location: attachment:ArduinoFFT3.zip of ArduinoFFT

Attachment 'ArduinoFFT3.zip'


File Name                                            Modified              Size
arduinofft_display.pd                          2012-08-18 18:36:00          776
FFT/128_reorder.inc                            2012-08-16 14:12:00          715
FFT/16_reorder.inc                             2012-08-16 14:12:00          190
FFT/256_reorder.inc                            2012-08-16 14:08:00         1595
FFT/32_reorder.inc                             2012-08-16 14:12:00          249
FFT/64_reorder.inc                             2012-08-16 14:08:00          408
FFT/decibel.inc                                2012-08-13 19:54:00         1277
FFT/examples/                                  2012-10-26 06:10:34            0
FFT/examples/fft_adc/                          2012-10-26 06:10:34            0
FFT/examples/fft_adc/fft_adc.pde               2012-08-18 20:48:00         1568
FFT/examples/fft_codec/                        2012-10-26 06:10:34            0
FFT/examples/fft_codec/fft_codec.pde           2012-08-18 19:21:00         2054
FFT/fft_read_me.txt                            2012-10-26 06:11:50        13044
FFT/flattop_window_256.inc                     2012-08-15 14:54:00         1876
FFT/hann_128.inc                               2012-08-16 13:14:00         1065
FFT/hann_16.inc                                2012-08-16 13:13:00          228
FFT/hann_256.inc                               2012-08-16 13:14:00         2021
FFT/hann_32.inc                                2012-08-16 13:14:00          348
FFT/hann_64.inc                                2012-08-16 13:14:00          586
FFT/hann_window.inc                            2012-08-13 20:05:00         1950
FFT/keywords.txt                               2012-08-18 17:06:00          793
FFT/sqrtlookup16.inc                           2012-08-17 10:57:00         4295
FFT/sqrtlookup8.inc                            2012-08-16 17:21:00         3611
FFT/wklookup.inc                               2012-08-10 13:29:00         4120
FFT/wklookup_128.inc                           2012-08-16 13:14:00         2140
FFT/wklookup_16.inc                            2012-08-16 13:15:00          317
FFT/wklookup_256.inc                           2012-08-16 12:34:00         4293
FFT/wklookup_32.inc                            2012-08-16 13:15:00          565
FFT/wklookup_64.inc                            2012-08-16 13:15:00         1078
reorder_table_creator/reorder_table_creator.pde 2012-08-16 14:13:00         2124
FFT/examples/fft_adc_serial/fft_adc_serial.pde 2014-07-08 00:51:08         1603
FFT/FFT.h                                      2016-11-20 13:11:52        36794

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